- Guarantee up to 50% of the capital lent under Green Credit Line to a company with inadequate collateral.
- The maximum guarantee amount will be 500,000 USD.
- In case a loan is simultaneously covered by additional guarantees from other Financial Institutions, the maximum cumulative guarantee is capped at 70%.
- The guarantee will not have any cost to the company if the company invests all the credit proceeds in the items approved by VNCPC.
- If the company does not fulfill all the investment requirements of VNCPC, the guarantee will have a cost of 3% of the credit.
- If the loan is not eligible to receive reimbursement after installation of machine, the guarantee is still valid until the end of the term as defined in the loan agreement signed with the bank .
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Vietnam Cleaner Production Center (VNCPC)
Ms Nguyen Le Hang
Project Officer – GCTF
Add: No 1 Dai Co Viet street, Hanoi
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 04 3868 4849 – ext 14
Mobile: 0912 467 692