Only following components included for a (partial) reimbursement:
- Hardware costs for equipment including their installation which are relevant for the environmental impact
- Additional working-capital required for implementing the investment
- External consulting works required for this investment
- Credit fees for VNCPC for the performance of the detailed evaluation and ex-ante and ex-post measurements
- Fees for the bank
- Taxes and fees paid for importing and implementing the investment except
Elements which CANNOT be included for a reimbursement calculation are, among others:
- Internal manpower and other costs of the enterprise to develop or implement the project
- Costs associated with land or land-usage
- Costs associated with the construction, re-construction or destruction of buildings except if these have a clear and significant relation to new equipment
- Costs associated with maintenance and operation
- Costs for vehicles of any type
Lastest News
Vietnam Cleaner Production Center (VNCPC)
Ms Nguyen Le Hang
Project Officer – GCTF
Add: No 1 Dai Co Viet street, Hanoi
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 04 3868 4849 – ext 14
Mobile: 0912 467 692